Derfor skal du ikke vælge en VPS som iværksætter

Jeg skrev indlægget “Hvorfor VPS med lokal storage ikke holder.” Den bygger på den tekniske baggrund omkring VPS’er og tildelte ressourcer, men forklarer ikke hvorfor du ikke skal vælge en VPS som iværksætter, og i sidste ende koste dig kunder (og omsætning). Kender du det med at din virksomheds hjemmeside bliver nævnt på en nyhedsside, … Continued

NGINX restarts on cPanel servers

Today we’ll fix NGINX restarts on cPanel servers. When running NGINX on a cPanel server, it often requires that you put a restart of NGINX inside your httpd init script to make NGINX and Apache restart at same time to get the changes updated. The problem people often will find is that cPanel from time … Continued

Things I’ve learned by hosting websites

There’s a few things I’ve learned by hosting websites, some of them should be pretty obvious where others might be obvious after you’ve made a mistake. #1: Use raid on your system I must admit, the first server I ever had, didn’t have any raid. It had two disks, but no raid. Back then, I … Continued

Fix Nginx bandwidth issue in cPanel

At Hosting4Real we’ve been using Nginx in production as a reverse proxy for quite some time. But using Nginx doesn’t come without problems, one of them is bandwidth calculation. So this blog post will go over how to fix Nginx bandwidth issue in cPanel. You’ll actually be facing multiple problems, about bandwidth reporting, this is due … Continued

Using cloudstats

I’ve tried a lot of monitoring tools for websites and servers, tools like,, New Relic, All tools work great, and I use all of them on a daily basis, it seems like overkill to have 4 monitoring services running, but whatever I’ve also started using I actually found the site while … Continued

AWStats Totals with cPanel

For some time ago I wanted to see AWStats Totals with cPanel, so I could see the total amount of hits all websites, across a server received, but there wasn’t really a way to do it, until I found this awesome tool called ‘AWStats Totals‘. It’s a very simple PHP script, that reads the awstats … Continued

New Relic and CloudLinux

To use New Relic and CloudLinux (with CageFS) together, you have to do some changes to your configuration. This post assumes that you use EasyApache 4.   Some time ago I wrote a blog post “Auto deploy New Relic apps in cPanel“, which covers steps how to make each account in cPanel their own application … Continued

cpanel 11.38 virtfs

People that use cpanel, as their control panel of their servers, probably know about virtfs. In cpanel 11.38 virtfs got changed to improve security, and some other small changes. For those who don’t know what virtfs is: VirtFS provides a jailed shell environment for the user, the good thing about this, is that the user … Continued

RHCSA passed

In the beginning of june, I decided to attend the RHCSA Rapid Track Course including the exam (RH200). I did it first of all because I got the offer, to get the course and exam, but also because I would like to have some kind of certificate, and since I like linux a lot (and … Continued